
Greek Head

I always thought only the Romans and maybe Egyptians have been to Mars before. Obviously I was wrong! So far I did not spot any Egyptian traces but, contrary to all my believes, Mars is Greek :D.

When I first saw it, it looked a bit like Chewbacca; that was before I blew up the resolution, now we can clearly identify it as being greek.

There is one thing that I am not sure about in this. Although it obviously is Greek it has features that remind me of the Borg in Star Trek. This puzzled me for quite some time and I needed a rest to come up with a plausible theory.

The only way this could have happened is that the ancient greek were assimilated 2.000 years ago, lived on Mars for a while and left some of their Borg-statues, which are slighly weathered by now.

As to when and where to the Borg-Greeks left Mars, I am still trying to come up with a theory, so far i have none. 

Any other theories? Please help me :).

For all the non believers, the source of the picture is the Curiosity Rover and the picture is available to the general public: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/00113/mcam/0113MR0696010000E1_DXXX.jpg


Animals on Mars

Still denying there is life on Mars?

Let me start with an explanation. Science believes life is abundant in the Universe. I believe, life is abundant in the solar system.

Now Mars is a planet and does not offer a lot of hideaways for animals. On earth we have extended woods, rainforrests, deep oceans.

What does that mean for life? They need camoflage! Like animals on earth. If they life in the open, they are quite often camoflagued so spotting them becomes hard.

I think the same applies to Mars animals - Thinking about that, what would be the best camoflage an animal can have on such an open planet? The anser is quite easy, appear as if you were a rock.

Secondly Mars is much smaller than earth is, so we'd expect the animals being quite small as well.

Today I found proof of Mars bears. Have a look at this:

Clearly a Mars bear on the hunt. Deliberately looking away from the camera so we cannot spot it by its eyes. 

As always, the above is slightly contrast enhanced for the effects. the original can be found in this picture a lil bit right and down from the middle:  0109MR0684019000E1_DXXX.jpg 

hope you have phun - comments and conspiracy theories welcome


Roman Remains

In my first post I promised some Roman remains.

Its slightly morbid what I found, but what one expects from a suspectible uninhabited planet at present time?

I'l answer this question; it can only be remains, mainly petrified remains that rock!

Here we go, I can clearly see a roman skull in this picture.

Again, this picture is slightly contrast enhance for the effect. Any theories are welcome, let me know.

You remember landing night of curiosity, where curiosity killed the cat.
Actually the climate of Mars is that drastic that some remains get petrified within month's. Guess, I found that cat! Heh, rover team you cant hide this from us, please let us participate in your killings.

You need evidence, its right in the same picture I found the skull in.
Here it is:

Poor litle being, the only proof that live ever existed on Mars; Curiosity killed it and now its just a petrified remain. Does that rock? No, not really.

Both can be found in this picture, I wish you happy hunting :).

PS: The blog is neither science, nor do I claim the above being true by any way. This is the sarcastic Mars picture blog ;)!.


Just a weird idea

I pretty much follow Mars very frequently, specially the Mars Rover pictures.
Doing this I always come across oddities. Some make rumors of that, others start conspiracies or last but not least proove that live in fact does exist on Mars.

I just want to make fun of it.

Lets give it a start:


Actually the above is contrast enhanced, the original can be found at mars.jpl.nasa.gov. Some may read it as 50, SC may be an option as well, but neither of these did harmonize with rock.

So why is there graffity on Mars?  
Did the Curiosity team shoot this onto the rock using their Chemcam laser?
Is this the number of an ancient Marsian house that does not exist anymore? 
Is it Martian hyroglyphes we cant decipher? 

Speculate and let me know. 

If you'd ask me; I am sure this is an ancient Roman roadsign and we may find more Roman traces as we go along.